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Republic of China 2003 Final Central Government Report Subsidiary Agency Final Report and General Table (non-business section) Analysis

  • Release Department:Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan

For the year 2003, final Central Government accounts subsidiary agency final accounts and general table non-business section, 97 final subsidiary agencies accounts are listed.  The verified results are as follows: (A) The operations fund for 77 agencies was listed; after verification and revision, additional decrease to the revenue was revised to NT$3 billion 323 million, the additional decrease to the expenditure was revised to NT$21 billion 384 million, the final revenue amounted to NT$334 billion 491.098 million, and the final expenditure amounted to NT$289 billion 264.53 million.  To leave in surplus a total of NT$45 billion 646.5 million, which is NT$9 billion 761.98 million lower than the budget to reach approximately 17.62%, mainly due to decreases in business investments revenue Development Fund of the Executive Yuan. (B) Debt service funds for one agency is listed; verified fund source amounts to NT$527.51 million, funds purposed amounts to NT$527 billion 382.82 million to leave in surplus a total of NT$126.5 million, which is and increase of NT$120.17 to the budget. Main causes are the decrease in interest rates and consequent decrease in funds for debt payment in interest expenditure, and funds borrowed to issue public bonds. (C) The special fund for 18 agencies are listed; verified fund source amounts to NT$161 billion 162.7 million, fund purpose amounts to NT$113 billion 581.59 million, to leave in surplus a total of NT$48billion 234.64 million, the budget deficit turned to income instead, with a difference of NT$82 billion 922 million.  This is mainly because the schedule for privatization of government-owned enterprises was not met, causing the number of subsidy applications from business directors to the Fund for Privatization of government-owned enterprises under the Executive Yuan to be less than estimated, and thus the interest expenditure amounted to less than estimated. (D) The capital projects fund for one agency is listed; verified fund source amounts to NT$2 billion 748 million ,748,985,863.00, fund purpose amounts to NT$1,983,335,477.00, to leave in surplus NT$765,650,386, the budget deficit turned to income instead, with a difference of NT$2,907,955,358.00; mainly due to failure of the philanthropy plan to operate within the year, which decreased expenditures to lower than estimated.